Time for another semi-annual update on Ardith's life.
Yup. Still alive.
Anywho, I had a lovely uneventful drive down to Texas, where it promptly became 70-degree weather. As I had only succeeded in digging my car out of the foot of snow in our driveway two days previously, I was slighly disturbed. Then I chalked it up to the fact that Texas is weird, and felt better immediately.
I've been to nearly all my classes at least once now. So I shall give short and insightful summaries of my initial impressions:
Microcomputer Design: It will most likely take over my life later this semester. I must make an effort to get my recreational reading for the semester done immediately.
Program Translation: Shouldn't be too much trouble. And Eclipse is probably going to be my new best friend. It gets bonus points for being free and having both Linux and Windows versions.
Karate: My initial impression is that I need to be doing more situps.
Into to Political Science: Should be fun. Also not too much work. No major papers or anything, just reasonably interesting homework.
Historical Books: This class does have a major paper. Fortunately I have a library card for the Longview Public Library. But other than that, I'm not too worried.
In fact, this may turn out to be one of my easier semesters. And now that I've said this, I'll be swamped with homework for weeks.
Now, for your further entertainment:
Judge: Evolution stickers unconstitutional
I would just like to point out that this particular judge ruled a true statement, not denied by any scientist that I know of, unconstitutional.
I think I'm going to go have my own private Constitutional Crisis now.
Posted by Ardith at January 14, 2005 01:16 AM | TrackBack