April 15, 2005

Life Goes On

I had a fun and exciting day yesterday.

I spent all afternoon in the ER, and all I got was this sore spot on my hand from the IV line.

See, I had gotten sick again. All the same old unexplainable symptoms: extreme fatigue, increased heart rate, shortness of breath. Being sick and tired of feeling like I was about to die for no particular reason, I got my roommate to take me to the emergency room yesterday around 1 in the afternoon. Five hours and multiple tests later, they sent me home with instructions to eat more tomatoes because my potassium level was a bit low, and antibiotics for a minor UTI.

The results for the thyroid tests are supposed to get back in the next day or two, but somehow I don't think anything will show up there, either.

This has been going on for about five years now, and the spells are worse than they used to be. It's all a trifle scary.

I just want to know why I feel so horrible sometimes.

Posted by Ardith at April 15, 2005 08:52 AM | TrackBack