August 16, 2005


So, I went to California. I'd never been farther west than Tulsa, OK before. Given this fact, my one overwhelming impression was this:

"Hey, the sky's still blue out here!"


No, actually, it was gorgeous. I was about 3 hours south of San Francisco, which oddly enough, is wine country. Which means the hills are lovely, and I wanted very badly to be driving my car out there. Next time I go, I think I'll drive cross-country. It'll be a blast. I'm selling tickets now...

Anyway, after I got picked up at the San Jose airport, I was kidnapped and taken to San Francisco by aliens. We drove over the Golden Gate bridge, stopped at Fisherman's Wharf, and drove through a couple of blocks of Chinatown. It was sooo great, although it only served to increase my determination not to ever live in a big city. Traffic was horrible. And the streets were every-which-way. But I can now say I've been to San Francisco. And the aliens decided they'd rather not conquer Earth just this century.

And then we made it to the Miller's and crashed.

It was a busy weekend; lots of wedding preparations, lots of insanity, lots of Cory making sure he was in every freaking picture ever taken. I think he will end up in a reality TV show. And he will now want to kill me for saying that. XD

Morgan and Caleb's wedding was gorgeous. It was outdoors, the weather was lovely, and Julie has pictures. And I'm just going to link their blogs on my sidebar so I don't have to type so much HTML.

Sunday afternoon we mostly played Halo 2. And I'm going to give myself an Xbox 360 for a Christmas present. Maybe an early Christmas present. See, it can be my new gaming machine, and then I can get out of installing XP on either my PC or my laptop. Yes. I like that plan. And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that a 6-year old girl can stomp me into the ground playing Halo 2.

Where was I?

Oh, yes. And then later that evening we went to this barbeque place in town which claimed to be Texan. With several Texans in tow. Or rather they had us in tow. Anyhow, much fun was had. Again, more details given by Julie and Cory. I haven't laughed that hard in ages.

And then the next day I flew home. But not before the airline people scared my by telling me at the counter that one of my flights was cancelled and then that it was merely switched to another plane. Don't DO that to me!

Oh, and by the way, it's very annoying that all the food places in the airport close at 9. What are people like me who sort of forget to eat lunch supposed to do? Suffice with the $3 box of snacks they are now calling the in-flight meal? I think not. It's a disgrace, that's what it is.

As is the fact that I can't change CDs in my car when there's anything in the front cup holder. I sense a conspiracy to keep me from changing CDs while driving. I shall have to research this further. But now I must finish my shopping list.

Posted by Ardith at August 16, 2005 07:19 PM | TrackBack