I'm notoriously slow about upgrading file systems. As such, I'm still using ext2, instead of a proper journalling filesystem.
However, I think that should change today.
See, I rebooted for fairly unimportant reasons, and it checked the partition because it was, you know, time. Or something. Anyway, it found a bunch of errors, which I wondered about a bit. These errors, when fixed, had the cumulative effect of reverting the drive to the state it was in several months ago.
Fortunately, I didn't lose anything, really. As I haven't done anything that exciting during that time. And because I pretend to back up every once in awhile.
So I have a slightly lost, time-warped feeling, am downloading months' worth of package updates, and I think it's time to move on to ext3.
6:37 PM:
I actually haven't lost anything, ext2 isn't out to get me, and I'm a bloomin' idiot.
As well as incredibly, incredibly lazy.
Sooooo... awhile ago (say, last November), I was running out of room in the temporary partition I had setup way back when moving to my new, bigger, shinier hard drive. This is not altogether surprising, as it was a temporary partition. i fully meant to rearrange everything when I got around to sifting through all the old data I'd copied over from my old drive.
Except then I graduated, and did stuff, and forgot about it.
So, 10GB partition fills up, Ardith's in a hurry for some reason or another, sees empty space on harddrive, makes new partition, moves stuff from old partition to new one, fully intends to sort things out later, forgets to update lilo.conf with new root partition.
So, today, when I was installing my new kernel, I ran lilo. Having, of course, forgot that I hadn't updated the path to the root partition. I then rebooted, and got...
...yep. The old partition from months ago. I'm absolutely brilliant.
And tonight, I am finally going to clean up my long-neglected partitioning system. And switch to ext3 while I'm at it, just for good measure.
Posted by Ardith at June 16, 2006 05:15 PM | TrackBack