For those who are not proficient in the absurdity known as l337, the title is supposed to read, "On leet and the evolution of language." It's rather fun reading slashdot on April 1, because of the horrible jokes they have. This year is the best one in my memory (which would be the 'Evil Bit' dupes last year). They've been collecting some of the stupidest posts all year and are just now posting them. In case you hadn't guessed, one is on l337 speak. The submission is reprinted below:
I'm considering naming my first-born child either Br4d or J4n37, depending on gender. My wife isn't too keen on the idea but there's plenty of time left to persuade her. Anyway, it had me wondering whether there are any people out there with real l337 speak given names (or even just a digit in their name). Do you know of any? Other than people saying your dad is a l4m3r, What are the possible pitfalls of having a digit in your name? Is it legal to have a digit in a name? Am I guaranteeing my child becomes a misfit? Am I the misfit?
Clearly, this guy is too geeky even for most people around here. Hopefully. However, in my travels (that would be reading the comments), I ran across more fun pages. (You may want this to help you decipher that last one.)
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Posted by Gallagher at April 1, 2004 01:17 PM