March 02, 2006
18-Month Anniversary Picture

Nikki and I just got our 18-month anniversary pictures back. Because Valentine’s Day falls at a very convenient (if a little rough) half-way marker from our wedding date of August 7, for two years now we’ve gotten our pictures taken as a couple in the first week or two of February. I don’t know if it’ll turn into a long-time habit, but we could do worse. I wouldn’t mind having such a store of pictures to show our children. That way we’ll be able to emphatically prove that the onset of our grey hair was caused by their presence in our lives
As you may notice, I have (or am trying to have, at any rate) both a beard and a moustache. The beard I’m fairly content with; it looks pretty good on me and it’s growing reasonably well. The moustache ... well, it’s iffy. Which is sad, because I would prefer to have an awesome moustache and a mediocre beard if given the choice. Perhaps further years of maturity will improve it, but I have my doubts. I may have to resign myself to a lifetime of second-rate moustaches. :(
And, of course, you’ll notice the glorious color we’re both decked out in. Black is simply the finest color in the world. Makes me look dashing, and that’s no mean feat.
To my darling wife — these eighteen months with you have been a little taste of heaven. Thanks forever for marrying me ... for loving me. You, my dear, have been patient and kind; you’ve never been envious, nor have you ever been boastful — You are neither irritable nor rude, nor have you ever rejoiced when I made a mistake. You have borne all things, believed all things, hoped all things, and endured all things. Your love for me hasn’t failed. Thanks for showing God’s love to me for these eighteen months ... and thanks for being willing to go on showing it to me for as long as we both shall live. I love you.
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