All too soon we will be on our way and back in little ole Longview to finish off the semester. I've really enjoyed this break and I rather like it up here. It takes some getting used to having stuff so near by and houses relatively close together, but the week has gone well. I probably haven't done near as much research as I should have, but eh, I needed lots of rest and chill time too. I do have to say that the stuff I have been reading for my papers this week has been quite fascinating, somewhat appaling, but really interesting. I spent one day reading a book on euthanasia and the soul by Dr. Peck and other amounts of time reading about peace pursuing folk of the last hundred years, written by a Buddhist. I've also been reading up on liberation and secular theologies--the secular theology tending more towards the pluralistic theology and other stuff. I'm feeling better about the paper too because I think I'm getting a handle on the basic ideas and beliefs. The paper will be a comparison of salvation concepts between evangelical, liberation, secular, and existential theologies.
It's challenging ina lot of ways. I sit here and read a lot of stuff that goes against everything I've been taught and believe. It sounds so close to right, yet also so misguided and deceiving too. and I want to say "what if" but I remember that I cannot deny the existence of the God of the Bible and the truths I have seen and experience and Christianity--the evangelical, conservative, biblical theology--is the most consistent and strong system. Some of the stuff is hard to accept, yes, but well, one thing I have learned is that the easy road can be very wrong and that the best things in life tend to come with hard things. It's hard to explain. and it gets confusing to be confronted with different logical thought systems--one human mind is complex.
You see, I'm one of those people who usually doesn't have a hard time seeing different view points. I can mold to other systems of logic somewhat easily. :-) Or at least, so I think. But anyways, the curse of this is not flip-flopping and just jumping from system to system--I need to know what I believe and I need to know it well. Oh the joys of being stretched and molded and growing. Yet, it really is awesome.
Posted by Anna at March 20, 2004 04:14 PM