Many of you know I'm quite fond of analogies and metaphors and other figures of speech, especially when I can make life connections. Well, I realized another life lesson learned from a simple thing: an Easter Egg Hunt.
You see, I haven't done well in recent Easter Egg Hunts because I make these bad and bold assumptions. I assume that because people have been there before me, than I don't need to make as careful a search because the probability that I find anything is slim. But people always miss things. I miss things....alright now, focus your thoughts back here. I can miss an egg if I look in the same spot three times. Details aren't my forte.
Well, I didn't realize the lesson I should learn from this until I was doing some reading for one of my papers tonight. I was reading on cessationism and contemplating the references that the guy was giving. You see, I generally wouldn't be as keen on doing an indepth word-study in the hopes of finding something that others didn't know before or missed because invariably I find that someone had figured it out already before me. Why bother than says I to myself?
It never really hurts to look again though now does it? Different perspectives, different lighting, different eyesight....they may help to reveal something to one person that another before missed. Else, I will walk away from the Easter Egg Hunt with little to show for myself. And if I were to walk away with many eggs, I hope I would realize that I probably received a lot of hints and divine inspiration along the way.
Posted by Anna at April 15, 2004 12:34 AM