I guess that's what I could do during the week...put up some form of Post-It type Posts. At any rate.
Things continue to go mostly well. I read the Ultimate Geek Fiction book this week, or rather, set of books within a book: The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, loaned gleefully to me by the beautiful and spectacular Ardith. I finished it last night a little before 3 a.m. and was very surprised in a lot of different ways. I enjoyed myself immensely. and kept getting inspired for geeky things, like a graduation mortarboard cap: tin foil displaying the message "Goodbye and Thanks for all the ....[fill in the blank]" For example, we could thank them for the debt. My roommates can testify to all the times I've been reading along and than had to laugh out loud. I don't usually actually literally laugh out loud when reading unless it's stupendously funny. and I loved imagining what a mathematical representation of a napkin would look like.
Hmm. Knock on wood, I've actually gotten myself fairly caught up as is possible in the business office with filing. Not that there is ever an end of things to do because there is always something. and Work in Academic Affairs continues to be quite enjoyable. My only complaints are made through an aching back, sometimes from filing, sometimes from working at a short desk for a taller chair and rather sore feet from not always being able to get away with good tennis shoes with nicer clothes. Although if I wear the slacks I can get away with it. Especially since they send me on errands around campus and dress shoes just don't work for walking around in.
My taste buds are immensely enjoying themselves as we continue to take turns cooking along. The taste of fresh, sweet, and juicy fruit....veggies...meat...pasta cooked right, bread just right.....fresh iced tea....ahhhhhhh. It is good. and not to have to eat in Saga. with Saga tableware.
I'm thinking about adding another book to my intellectual book buys from CBD if I can find a good one. I'd be very interested to see if there are any...err, "character" studies done on the people of the Bible--like the disciples and OT people. I've seen stuff about women in the BIble, but I'm looking for something on a bit more general level--comparison type, as a guide in thinking about how the Bible reflects God working through very different people in different ways--like Paul & Peter. I've heard sermons and such on it before, but it would be nice to have something I could sit down and read. So I'm going to hunt a bit after finishing this post.
The weather here is East Texas fabulous. I actually enjoy it. Rain has kept things cooler most days and I love the warm sun when the clouds choose not to be there. and it's so nice to be free from the pressures of schoolwork!
And, while our little crew here seems to be having lots of fun, it'd be nice to have everyone around again sooner...before we are all being pounded by our textbooks into the ground again. We shall see though. We shall see.
At any rate, I should really wrap things up...time seems to go by faster on nights before I have to be up for work in the morning.
Posted by Anna at June 13, 2004 10:55 PM | TrackBack