August 10, 2004

Learning Ventures

Well, the out of the last 48 hours, a day and a half has been spent shadowing, rather, observing, how those beginning of the year teacher work-days work. Kinda boring yesterday. Overwhelming a bit too. My jr. high CT (cooperating teacher, get used to the abbrev.) is nice, and that will help too. Sometimes, I wonder what I'm doing in the education program. Simply because I'll have to conform to certain things that the administration and such will request of me..even to stuff like grading policies and such. and the freaking standardized testing. poor kids.

I understand the why's of it; but I don't agree with some of the ways things have been expressed to these teachers and how they are doing things. Not that I can or will speak up about it. It isn't anything unethical really, it's just a matter of...educational philosophy, and worrying more about standards a school must meet up to.

On other ventures....filing folder cuts on the finger hurt worse than paper cuts. And gourmet dinners take quite a bit of time and patience. if you can call Chicken Scampi a gourmet entree with fancy-cooked carrots and delicious, gooy, brownies. It wasn't perfect, but hey, it did taste fairly good and I don't think there are any leftovers. That's happened a lot to me this summer. Oh yes. Recipes off the internet are nice. but I miss a good old fashioned cookbook. and cookbook recipes are a bit more trustworthy than those off the internet and have clearer instructions. That's okay. I have a better understanding of how to cook the stuff the next time now.

Oh my. that hard work has made me sleepy. :-p

Posted by Anna at August 10, 2004 11:30 PM | TrackBack