with a little modification to orignal lyrics found at http://www.sitcomsonline.com/themesonglyrics.html
"Happy Days" by Norman Gimbel and Charles Fox
Happy Days theme (long version)
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days.
Thursday, Friday, Happy Days.
The weekend comes,
My cycle hums,
Ready to race to you.
These days are all,
Crazy and Free. (Those Crazy Days)
These days are all,
Share them with me. (oh baby)
Goodbye grey sky, hello blue.
There's nothing can hold me when I hold you.
Feels so right, it can't be wrong.
Rockin' and rollin' all week long.
Sunday, Monday, Crazy Days.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Crazy Days.
Thursday, Friday, Crazy Days.
Saturday, What a day,
Groovin' all week with you.
These days are all,
Share them with me. (Those Crazy Days)
These days are all,
Crazy and Free. (oh baby)
These Crazy Days are your's and mine.
These Crazy Days are your's and mine, Crazy Days.
The story of today's craziness below:
Well. It began with me going to bed around 1 or 1:15 this morning. Not horrible, but my body likes to get at least 8 hours of sleep so the "late" hour doesn't work well when I have to get up a little after 7 for the 8:00 class.
well, sometime shortly after falling into a deep sleep, I had this crazy sensation that a spiders were weaving intricate webs in front of my face. I woke up with a start saying "s***" and "cr**" moving quickly away from the head of my bed. (you see, i sleep in the top bunk near one of the ceiling corners...)
Well, being very disoriented in a dark room with no glasses on, I was still of the impression that it was real. After my blood pressure dropped to a more normal pace, I moved my pillow about a foot or some up the bed away from the wall and curled up to go back to sleep.
I woke up to what I thought was my alarm clock but it didn't seem to be mine so I thought it was Zippy's. And than my phone (doubles as alarm) went off for real so I grabbed it like I normally do and went back to sleep for another 10 minutes. Apparently it was another morning in which I was snoozing away in my dream.
I was dreaming along with another very weird dream, a repeat of another at some point recently when I heard a phone ringing. It happened to be my cell phone. It was 7:45. I had a test at 8:00. It was Heather calling to check to see if I was coming because she noticed Josh standing outside our apartment waiting to walk with me. I told her to tell him to wait if he cared to wait for 5 minutes while I was rushing about throwing on clothes and grabbing my stuff and something to eat.
I made it right on time to class. Took the test which was far easier than I was expecting and thankfully had an extra 45 minutes with which to eat breakfast before Trig. I forgot that I hadn't done the homework for Trig due today because I wasn't in class to do the homework while the teacher lectured Tuesday. So I went to class and and did that homework and added it to the pile later. Now I'll have to actually get the other done to give to Heather for Tuesday since I won't be in class again, and I'll have to do next Thursday's assignment before then. I hope we aren't having the test next Thursday. *makes mental note to check the assignment sheet*
So I did homework through trig and than I had my content mastery review in Dr Roden's office in which I learned some new things about chords and such and reviewed a few others about other areas of math which have been neglected.
Finally I got to lunch at noon and was pleased to find that my refund check was waiting in my CPO and they had one of my favorite meals at the Hive for a conversion meal (chicken tender sandwhich and fries!). So now I get to send another credit card payment in! and try to remember to pay another bill. While I wait for the nasty news that there are probably some medical bills that the insurance didn't pay which I need to.
Well, I have to get through one more class. I have to run errands after and than will attend another chapel with Dr. Geisler. and than get the calc 3 grading done. and tomorrow is friday with go finish my observations for the first placement, go to chapel, eat lunch, go to work. Enjoy weekend.
Posted by Anna at October 7, 2004 01:11 PM | TrackBack