October 27, 2004

Thinking Thing #1


It struck me that I do not pray for my friends and family often enough. It's been haphazard, instead of daily lifting them up as I should. Granted I say, there are a lot of loved ones to pray for...but that still does not excuse the lack of praying I've been doing. I don't think I can even claim once a week for some people.

It also strikes that I do not pray often enough with my friends for other friends. That we talk about people instead of stopping to pray for their needs.

God, may I do better.

Solution: Maybe I should write a program that will pop up with notes during the day to pray for someone...but I'm not at my computer all day. I should rather come up with a way of associating a person with something I do see often during the day, such as...my tall friend Smashly when I see a tree (Love ya lady!) or my Sweet Sunny and Brenton when I see the security car or the result of sun shining down on God's beautiful Earth. I could go on and on...but for your sake, I won't.

But pray that I do better with this discipline...to pray daily for my parents, siblings, distant relatives, and friends.

Posted by Anna at October 27, 2004 12:45 AM | TrackBack