Well, two days have already flown on by on my so far enjoyable break from school madness. i've started on my second book (third if you count the first one as the two-in-one). and worked on Christmas gift projects. and formed a rant while listening to the news:
My father being the fan of the news, I've heard on the television lots about the recent tragedy of the 8-month pregnant mother who was strangled.
what really gets me and irks me is that it took more than a simple phone call to have the amber alert issued to find the missing newborn--because the newborn was a fetus removed (although the girl-child became alive at the time of forcible birth). and they (news people) keep referring to the baby as the "stolen fetus" more often than the "kidnapped baby." Grrr. Peterson is tried and convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of his wife and unborn child, not the unborn fetus. but it takes a couple of tries to issue the amber alert (i'm guessing this is a missing child national alert) for this pre-mature baby removed from her mother's womb after her mother was killed.
Posted by Anna at December 19, 2004 12:07 AM | TrackBack