Good tears: a student (she's a dear) made me a card claiming me to be the "World's Best Algebra Teacher" and wrote a sweet thank-you note inside.
Bad tears: frustration. I nearly blacked out during my last class today. I waited to see if it would pass...and it did, slowly and thus didn't get a teacher to cover for me. But I did have my b.p. checked by the nurse after school--about 45 minutes later and it was way high. So I went to the doctor. and spend an hour and a half sitting and waiting and explaining my history. Apparently my EKG was slightly off--Winckebach degree 1, which is usually no symptoms. and I was feeling better...not the doctors office so I wasn't surprised.
But. it means that the heart doctor trips start again.... Oh, and the doctor, well, p.a., ordered me to go to the ER if I have any such symptoms again.--even if they stop. *sigh* I guess he picked up on the fact that I'm one of the ones who'll ride things out unless I'm least, if it means having to sit in an ER or just sit at home and quietly wait for an episode to pass.
Tomorrow we have another math/science meet. and we at P.T. are hosting. (deer in headlight look)
Posted by Anna at October 28, 2005 11:10 PM | TrackBack