July 17, 2006


For the next 24 hours i'm not supposed to make any important decisions or doing anything require mental alertness and coordination. They sedated me quite nicely for the upper GI endoscopy today. It only took a few minutes but I don't remember any of the actual procedure--just talking to the dr, relaxing my mouth around the bite-guard, and then coming too and being rolled out of the room.

The scope showed that I had an angry stomach. A stomach that is angry because my gallbladder is NOT working, which the doctor told me the Hida scan they did two weeks ago showed a bad gallbladder. Which means, I'm having surgery again soon. Hopefully before stuff starts at school.

Tomorrow, I have plans of writing about and posting pictures of my lovely little vacation last week. FOr now, i think I'm going to read myself back into the sleep of sedation medicine running its course.

Posted by Anna at July 17, 2006 02:08 PM | TrackBack