January 02, 2007

Prayer Request

this if for one of my cousins Douglas and a group he just left on a mission trip with, the camp mentioned is the one my older brother works at 2 hours south of us.

Please keep Douglas in your prayers this week.
He arrived in Haiti this morning as part of a small Mission Trip.
The group is from Frontier Camp, the Christian Youth Camp my kids have grown up attending and now work at each summer, and they are working with a local missionary to help start the first Christian Youth Camp in Haiti.
They will spend 9 days working to train workers and prepare the camp sight, they will also conduct 2 days of a day camp, to model and train their workers.
This will be a challenging trip, the area is rural and very poor. It will also be rewarding; to help begin a tradition of Christian camping in a country that has had
such turmoil and hardship.
The Frontier Camp website has more information,


Thank you for keeping Douglas and the others in your prayers! Your love and prayers will protect him and comfort me!
They will return Jan. 10.

Posted by Anna at January 2, 2007 04:43 PM | TrackBack