November 20, 2008

be praying

I know God works all things to the good of those who love Him.

I was just laid off at my job.

More later.

*update* So. Two months ago the president of the company announced that sales were down much and things were tight with the bad economy. The Head company brought in a consultant for advice on how to make things run more cheaply. Now while we had been "mildly assured" that they didn't think our department would take any hits, the managing editor was apparently wrong. For it was decided that the company would undergo economic restructuring--and I was one of the lucky 10-15 people who found this morning--out of the blue (my boss the senior editor didn't even know) that effective today, our positions had been terminated. I have a two-week pay severance package and I do still have a teaching certificate, so I'll be attending a substitute meeting in early December. There's also some adjunct positions at the local community colleges I'll be looking at.

Silver linings: I was at a convenient stopping point on a project I was working on. I GET TO SPEND LOTS OF TIME WITH MY FAMILY NEXT WEEK!!!!! Our gas budget has dramatically decreased in spending. With this time of year, it might be possible that a teaching position opens up in one of the schools. And the house will get a whole lot cleaner before my family gets here.... theoretically.... Saturday. Oh, and I was already on Josh's health insurance, so that's an easy transition.

Prayers are definitely appreciated.

I am wavering between "God is in control" and a cynical depressive state at the moment at the thought of job hunting yet again and going through the nerve-wracking process of interviews.

Posted by Anna at November 20, 2008 09:42 AM | TrackBack