April 23, 2005

space filler

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English
20% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

American Cities That Best Fit You:

80% Miami
65% Austin
55% San Diego
55% Seattle
50% Atlanta
Which American Cities Best Fit You?

courtesy a roomie

Posted by Anna at 03:17 PM | TrackBack

January 22, 2005


Stupid woman!

Posted by Anna at 03:46 PM | TrackBack

December 11, 2004

oh my....

so when i stumbled upon a new treasure for researching papers,

i entered a search for "soul"

and came upon this.

Posted by Anna at 10:01 PM | TrackBack

December 05, 2004

I should quit...

sitting in my chair with a foot crossed underneath me. I keep cutting off the circulation to my foot and than it goes dead and gets all tingly and annoying when i set it down on the ground.

what you should quit?

Posted by Anna at 02:03 PM | TrackBack

October 18, 2004

More streets not to live on

Falling Oaks Road

Posted by Anna at 01:36 PM | TrackBack

September 27, 2004

Not much longer...

So go here and comment on the most recent post "Dearly Departed" if you want to see the play this Saturday. You have until tomorrow, rather, today Monday around lunch. Else, you had better inform me in person because I'm reserving seats on my way back from the doctor's office.

Posted by Anna at 12:27 AM | TrackBack

July 05, 2004

"Interesting" Political Quizzes

I found and took these through a google search, getting various results and being amused by the obvious biases. The last one (PBS) is probably the least biased.








Posted by Anna at 08:33 PM | TrackBack

June 23, 2004

another DQ horoscope!

Subject: Free Ice Cream
From: "Dairy Queen" <9189@7318.imoreads.com> Add to Address Book
To: yourfriendanna@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 13:53:54

Today is your day. You will probably find someone you are totally compatible with on all levels. Yesterday you were thinking about what could be -- now you focus on what is. Today is your day. You will probably find someone you are totally compatible with on all levels. Something is probably going on behind your back.

You wonder why others make such elaborate plans when life can be this easy. Unfortunately You are more articulate now than ever before. Consult an expert for help.

Be careful -- someone will be trying to sabotage you Expect to either impress someone or to be very impressed by someone. You will have some big ideas Be careful -- someone will be trying to sabotage you

Consult an expert for help. Stay on top of your game. Be careful and plan for the worst. Today is your day. You will probably find someone you are totally compatible with on all levels. The more creatively you launch yourself Something is probably going on behind your back.

Posted by Anna at 10:26 PM | TrackBack

April 30, 2004

quiz time

um. yeah:
Scroll in your toga?
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me
"Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you
just glad to see me?"
You're smooth, okay, but you also need a
girlfriend. Bad.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by Anna at 12:36 AM | TrackBack

March 07, 2004

sort of in the same line

here's one of my sources for my paper on Wicca.

It's an interesting read about comparing Christianity and Wicca and whether or not a person can synchronize the two.

Posted by Anna at 08:35 PM

February 11, 2004


My nation of Pythagoreans

And another nation

eventually I'll procrastinate some form of homework and create some other flags

Posted by Anna at 01:32 PM

January 19, 2004

Silly Quizzes

So, in the boredom of waiting for Josh's lab shift to be done, I started taking those crazy emode quizzes. Apparently, I have a strong bit of precognition according to the test of ESP and my IQ has gone up two points since the last time I took it. In fact, they labeled me a "visual philosopher" in the line of Plato with exceptional math and verbal ability. Yeah. I'm an observe as according to the personality test and a team player for my part in coroporate culture. And finally, according to some random anonymous commenter at Lisl's blog, I'm an existentialist loon. What do ya'll think?

Posted by Anna at 03:33 AM

January 17, 2004

First Quiz of the Year

Which Part Of The Body Are You?
Congratulations! You are the Adam's apple. Prominent and comfortable with being constantly exposed, you are the first to visibly react to the unexpected.

Now that you know your place in the body: go and serve!

Which part of the Church body are you?

Posted by Anna at 11:25 PM

January 14, 2004

New Look

So how do you like it?

Posted by Anna at 09:48 PM

January 12, 2004

Ready to Go

Ta da! So after discovering I was missing a simple slash, we fixed the problem, or rather they fixed the problem, and my new home for the insanities of my brain has been created just in time for me to start the semester and thus probably not post quite as often as one does when on break.

To come, no one really knows. I can't say that my brain works always in lines of numbers and shapes and such, sometimes it runs like a teacher and other times, well, it just jumps from train to train at high speeds.

At an rate, I must be off for one of the too many things I have to do in my life. I really should slow down more. Let's hope that dropping some coffee cart hours helps to keep the health going this go round.

Posted by Anna at 06:33 PM