July 01, 2004

Strangeness of MT

By now I'm sure others have noticed my mis-post to the main page. I noticed it myself as soon as I did it, and I quickly deleted it and reposted it where it belonged. Strangely, it did not dissappear from the main page, although it is no longer listed in the "Edit Entries" section for that blog. I see all the other entries I've made to the main blog, but not that one.
And, as you probably know, it cannot be commented on. I guess that makes it the first real issue with MT. Wow. I feel special.

Edit: I posted to the main page the very text you see before you (above), and found that the old post had dissappeared in the process. Thus, I drafted that post (to avoid repeating any wierdness) and moved that post's text here. I guess all it needed was nice little rebuild...

Posted by Moore at July 1, 2004 11:25 AM