April 24, 2004

Number Quiz

Normally, I see one of these things on someone's blog, take the quiz, and don't post the results. Most of the time these quizzes aren't worth taking and give idiotically predictable results.

This one shocked me, though. It's a bit creepy. I like to think of myself in a lot of the following terms.

Seven is sometimes considered as a mystical and
magical number because of the biblical seven
days of creation, and the seven heavenly bodies
of ancient astronomy (i.e. The Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter; they
hadn't seen the others yet). You are
understanding, perceptive and bright, and enjoy
hard work and challenges. You are often
serious, scholarly, and interested in all
things mysterious. Originality and imagination
are more important to you than money and
material possessions. However, you can also be
pessimistic, sarcastic, and insecure.

What does your name and arithmacy say about you? (some simple knowledge of adding is required on your part)
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by Randy at April 24, 2004 08:40 PM | TrackBack