The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Double Standards.
Apparently some people are getting fed up with the whole political correctness of male-bashing. This article on FoxNews was interesting. I can't say it really bugs me except that it's a double-standard. Why is it that it's ok to bash on white men and actually discriminate against us? Affirmative action, can you say discrimination that everyone says is ok?
Can you imagine what would happen to a political activist if he started telling jokes about stupid women? But yet, the NOW and other such groups manage to get away with male-bashing and funneling money away from anything male-related on a daily basis. How come nobody gives a shit if there are female-only schools and work-out clubs and political dinners but yet Augusta National is now being
boycotted and protested against by feminists. Foolish feminists and their double-standards. And shame on anyone for actually believing that it's okay to treat one group of people differently than the others and hold them to some other standard.
"But white men have been discriminating against everyone else for years," some will cry. Does this make discriminating against them right? Will it somehow fix anything?
Personally, I think in the end the system will rectify itself given the oppurtunity. Reinstate libertarian capitalism and forget socialistic policies like welfare and social security. Social Darwinianism will take its course and eventually things will come out right.
Posted by Vengeful Cynic at May 14, 2003 12:53 PM