February 20, 2003

Good Morning!

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Happy People

You know the type that I'm talking about. It's not that they're just pleasant to be around, it's that they're intolerably happy all of the time. Whenever you see them, they have to say something nice... it's like a burning need within them. If you try and walk around looking depressed, they'll come harass you with some form of cheeriness or another. Being kind is okay, being so happy that it is an annoyance is not.

A good example: the other evening I was talking with one of my friends after my Tuesday night class. I was telling him about how I enjoyed my Chauvinist Satire and how it amused me to no end that people couldn't figure out whether or not I actually believed it. This line of thought upset him visibly, as he couldn't understand how anyone could want to think thoughts that weren't contagiously

My only take on this matter is that ignorance must be bliss, but only in a dangerous sort of way. You run the risk that any enlightenment at all will shatter your little world and drive you to the brink of insanity. Personally... I'd rather just roll with the punches and avoid being so bubbly that I draw the ire and disdain of my fellow man.

And by the way... the next person that says good morning to me is going to die! This means you Didlake and Taylor!

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at February 20, 2003 04:25 AM