Your rights to freedom of speech have been stripped, the presses have long since stopped printing anything other than government propaganda, your weapons to resist with were stripped years ago, and those who refuse to conform dissappear in the night, never to be seen again. You may certainly vote, but only in that ephemeral sense that you know you're voting in an election for a puppet figurehead. The only real power you have is to leave or to join a revolutionary faction, and the latter is akin to signing your own death warrant. Further, trial by jury of peers was disbanded and there really hasn't been any freedom from illegal search of your house since the government took control of housing and forced you to live in a house they provided for you. In short, all that remains of the Bill of Rights that you once cherished is that to a grand jury in a capital matter... but the problem therein lies with the fact that you know the grand jury is rigged against you. No rights to call your own, no freedoms, and as much responsibility as you could care for. What manner of place is this and where is the land I once so treasured? Welcome to LeTourneau friend, freedom left you at the edge of the bubble.
Posted by Vengeful Cynic at January 28, 2003 01:50 AM