January 22, 2003

Gecko vs. Doc and Webcam

Great things happen on 1B! And I happen to miss half of them.

Tonight, for whatever reason Doc decided to talk to his girlfriend over webcam in Toad's room. He doesn't have his own computer, so I guess Toad might have just extended the offer and it was either that or no talky-talky at all. In any event, so Doc is sitting in Toad's room along with Toad... Toad playing DAOC and Doc teleconferencing with his girlfriend. Damian walks by, and recalls that Doc had been messing with him earlier in the evening. He proceeds to walk into Gecko's room...

"Hey Gecko, I need your help with something. Could you come here a second?"

"Yeah sure... what's up" as he wanders out

"Doc has been really messing with me and I was wondering if you could go in and moon him" points into Toad's room

"I can do better than that!" rips his pants off and charges into Toad's room

Toad and Doc in unison: "GECKO!!! NO!!!"

Only too late did Gecko realize what had happened. He turns and leaves, Damian having fled the instant Gecko dropped his pants. Fortunately, Doc's girlfriend seems to have found this and the subsequent abuse of Doc amusing. Unfortunately, I think we broke Gecko and Doc... Gecko being the second or third time we've really broken him.

So words of warning:

1) Don't be like Doc (having said earlier this week, "I don't think you guys can shock me anymore")
2) The RA can't save you (and in a lot of cases, doesn't care to)
3) Don't underestimate Damian's sneakiness
4) Gecko will get naked, given the impetus and the oppurtunity
5) You can't be paranoid enough

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at January 22, 2003 01:22 AM