March 16, 2004


So I've been home a couple of days and I've finally decided that it's time to fix this desktop computer of ours once and for all. Sadly, none of my family members are quite nerdy enough to jump on the offer of Red Hat or some other quality Linux distro... so I downloaded the update kit and deemed my home computer capable of SatanSoft XP.

Thus, I've spent all day cleaning up old crap, moving stuff to other drives, and pirating and installing a new OS (I left my XP cd in Texas.) This was followed by pirating and installing numerous other apps over a DSL connection and bringing this computer up to a generally working state. Oh... it is so nice not to have all of the ad- and spyware that my brothers downloaded.

Anyways, enough of my gleeful exclamation... go visit Randy's warped links. I gotta admit, I'm glad to have someone helping in that department.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at March 16, 2004 06:52 PM | TrackBack