18 April 2004 - Sunday

The student's quandary

I imagine that my sleep habits would improve dramatically if I merely became a more efficient student. The amount of time I waste in a day is staggering, and furthermore I spend an exceptional amount of time on most assignments once I begin them. Granted, I turn in some beautiful work (if I say so myself). Yet the quality of my work would probably improve if I made a decent effort to get more sleep.

A common expression at university is "grades, friends, sleep -- pick any two." In the end, I will refuse to jettison the grades. Sleep, however, has a way of forcing itself into one's life eventually. That leaves the matter of friends.

But guess what? I have made a discovery. I'm a more pleasant person when I've had some time to myself. I can justify spending less time with people in the name of improving my relations with people! Isn't it splendid?

I'm not really sure what that had to do with anything. I just thought I'd mention it, since I needed to post something before the day ended.

| Posted by Wilson at 22:23 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Life Desk

On something totally unrelated to this post...

Thanks for putting the LU Blog button on your sidebar. I think you're one of the first!

The thoughts of Eliot on 18 April 2004 - 22:30 Central
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My pleasure. I figured it was high time I put it to good use, since you so conveniently made it available.

The thoughts of Wilson on 18 April 2004 - 23:07 Central
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Did you find that liberal arts button somewhere or did you make it?

The thoughts of Randy on 18 April 2004 - 23:19 Central
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The easiest way I know to make them is to visit this site. I made the liberal arts button; feel free to use it.

The thoughts of Wilson on 18 April 2004 - 23:58 Central
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