10 May 2004 - Monday

Un-American -- inhuman -- but not unheard-of

The democracies are as human as the dictatorships. Power corrupts. But, Tom Regan says, the American way of doing things is different. Let's not forget what that difference is; good intentions are nothing without the rule of law.

| Posted by Wilson at 19:09 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Power Desk

I don't know. These 'atrocities' sounded quite human to me. I don't know, maybe I have way too little faith in human nature. Just from what I've seen of the absolute corruption that is humanity, though, I think we should be surprised when we don't see stuff like this happening.

The thoughts of Gillis on 11 May 2004 - 11:16 Central
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I'm with Gillis, really. That IS human. And really, it's even American. It's just not American Ideal, or part of the alleged "American Dream," and it certainly isn't "good," but then, "human" != "good," at least not in any reality I've ever encountered.

The biggest problem I have with the incidents in Iraq (which, really, I've been waiting for) is that the perpetrators were STUPID, and for their stupidity, they're getting our entire nation, especially our supposedly Godly administration, into some pretty deep trouble.

My other issue is, why in the Nine Hells are we blaming Rumsfeld? Or Bush? Or, for that matter, ANYONE but the men and women committing the acts? Something society has long forgotten is that people chose their own actions. Whether or not their action was explicitly forbidden is WHOLLY IRRELEVANT. It was their responsibility to conduct themselves according to the laws of our nation, and their choice to disobey.

We're getting in trouble for this not because we did it. We're getting in trouble for this because people think that America is different. Well, they need to step back and take a second look. Just like a parent can miss the fact that their child has grown up, a lot of the world has missed the fact that America has grown out of its dream. We're shocked and appalled that a few of our soldiers committed rape, murder, and a few other acts of lewdness and unjust punishment. Go look at crime statistics in a big city sometime... then notice the media coverage all the rapes, murders, extortion, and illegal abuse of mankind DON'T get. Since when does America care about rape or murder? Not in a LONG time.

The thoughts of Toad on 13 May 2004 - 11:30 Central
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