11 September 2004 - Saturday

I am not making this up

The following excerpt is from the introductory chapter of William F. Lawhead's The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach 2nd ed (McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2003).


3. Suppose someone slipped you a drug that made it impossible for you to answer the following questions: Is this a hat or an ice cream sundae? Is this belief true or false? Is this real or an illusion? Is this action morally good or evil? Now ask yourself: What would be some practical problems created by these confusions? . . .

If you could not distinguish a hat from an ice cream sundae, it could lead to some embarrassing moments as you tried to put a sundae on your head. But most of your life would be unaffected. On the other hand, if you were confused about the concepts of "true," "false," "real," "illusion," "good," or "evil," your life would be deeply impaired.

| Posted by Wilson at 23:59 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Education Desk

Well, that's philosophy for you.

And you are using an introductory textbook for an intro phil class? I'm disappointed; I'd start everyone out with Plato, or, if I were using such a book at all, something more meaty like Simon Blackburn's Think. No point in starting people off with all the reasons to avoid philosophy....

The thoughts of Brandon on 13 September 2004 - 0:46 Central
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You don't even want to see the class lectures.

The thoughts of Wilson on 13 September 2004 - 7:46 Central
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What color is green?

The thoughts of eliot on 13 September 2004 - 17:00 Central
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The thoughts of Scott on 13 September 2004 - 17:42 Central
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Batts? Sucks to be you.

The thoughts of Tom on 13 September 2004 - 19:03 Central
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