24 September 2004 - Friday
Cafeteria food
So far, we are unable to determine the species of the dessert being served tonight in our school cafeteria. I am told that this dessert is, quote, not as bad as it looks, end quote. The flavor is reportedly familiar, yet no one has been able to name said flavor.
We retrieved a specimen and brought it back to the apartment for further examination. Photographic records have been made. I am posting them here in hopes that someone will be able to provide a positive identification. Please click on the thumbnails to view the pictures:

If anyone has any information that may lead to an identification of this dish, please post it here. Also any information about antidotes.
| Posted by Wilson at 17:49 Central | TrackBack| Report submitted to the Life Desk
There ain't no way that is a dessert. Green desserts usually have lime jello or pistachio pudding in them. And, I have NEVER heard of putting either of those "delicacies" in a crêpe. (a generous description of that tan thingy)
My advice would be to contact the CDC.
The thoughts of maman d'Ardith on 24 September 2004 - 18:39 Central+ + + + +
From a "bachelor until age 29", who cares what it is or looks like! Was it any good?
Oh and the antidote issssssss, hunger.
Now on another note......
...So far, we are unable to determine the species of the dessert being served tonight in our school cafeteria. I am told that this dessert is, quote, not as bad as it looks, end quote. The flavor is reportedly familiar, yet no one has been able to name said flavor. ...
As any hunt-and-pecker like myself would know: ...quote... can be rendered " and ...end quote... as ". What a time-saver!
The thoughts of dad Hoyt on 24 September 2004 - 21:58 Central+ + + + +
My advice would be to run screaming away from an unidentifiable green dessert... Jessica says the only time you see green desserts is in a hospital room. And that is for a reason!
The thoughts of Rachel on 25 September 2004 - 11:11 Central+ + + + +
It reminds me of Timon in Lion King..."ooh, the ones with the green filling." "Pecan with a very slight crunch." My theory: one of the cooks is really from Uranus and this is one of their native dishes.
The thoughts of Stacy on 2 October 2004 - 22:44 Central+ + + + +
Well, it's clearly a canoli-based lifeform....
The green, though..... (ground up) candied fruit? Usually that's multicolored, but I could imagine some baking supplier selling monochrome versions for decoration purposes?
The thoughts of Jonathan Dresner on 18 October 2004 - 16:24 Central+ + + + +
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This is an eggroll on drugs
The thoughts of sunny on 24 September 2004 - 18:35 Central+ + + + +