25 September 2004 - Saturday

It don't mean a thing

. . . If it ain't got that certain je ne sais quoi.

I have a good impression of this year's freshmen. After what happened last year, this is a great relief. Last night confirmed the impressions I had gotten over the previous weeks. Only five freshmen showed up for the Bible study, but I liked them all (and they all seemed to like the rest of us). One even got a ride to the symphony with my group tonight.

The Longview Symphony's program this evening comprised the Suite from The Wise Virgins, composed by Bach and arranged by Sir William Walton; the Lieutenant Kijé Suite by Prokofiev; and the "Unfinished Symphony" in B minor by Schubert. I have to admit that I am not excessively fond of Schubert, but Prokofiev is always entertaining and Bach should be arranged for symphony more often. As always, the orchestra was very good, but the noisy air conditioning came on during the performance -- again. And someone in the row behind me starting tapping his feet during Kijé.

| Posted by Wilson at 23:59 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Life Desk

The one that always got me was people that new the pieces humming (or sometimes singing) along with the group.

The thoughts of Rachel on 29 September 2004 - 12:39 Central
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