29 September 2004 - Wednesday


LeTourneau students, please check your post office boxes for the arrival of the latest edition of our student newspaper. Direct your attention to its magnificent pages; revel in the fact that it now contains recognizable English. The humor articles in the newspaper are funny again, and the serious articles aren't.

Among the interesting choices our editors made this month was giving this blogger 1,000 words to compare Bush and Kerry -- evenhandedly. This is my first contribution to the newspaper since I infuriated a previous editor in the fall of 2002 (apparently it was unpatriotic of me to insinuate that habeas corpus might be some sort of right). You will find my article on page five.

On the same page you will find a shorter piece, also by yours truly, urging everyone who wishes to register to vote to do so quickly. The voter registration deadline in this state is Monday; your application needs to arrive at the courthouse by Monday if you want to be able to vote in November. I would like to thank Charles Wesley and David Ringer for generously offering space for this announcement, as well as asking me to write the other article.

| Posted by Wilson at 14:43 Central | TrackBack
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